10:05 AM (12/10/21): "In the afterlife, there will be a 'Superman' and a 'Superwoman'... but whosoever that will be, will likely have invested a great deal of time and effort... into having secured, that function... Nevertheless, both individuals will have been viewed favorably in the eyes of Jesus Christ... as of Judgment Day, when all must account for their deeds and inequities..." - Michael Izuchukwu


THE AFTERLIFE SUPER CONTEST (2alsmw53.blogspot.com)

10:19 AM (12/10/21): "Diet and nutrition are key, for those humans who seek to work on their 'Afterlife Theories (the photo here, is from the summer of 2020... featuring a 'juice dispenser,' and some delicious hotdogs)'... ...regarding the available roles there will be, to be fulfilled... Nevertheless, to be 'right' with Jesus Christ... one must have a thorough understanding of scripture (the bible), and work in the context... of such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:21 AM (12/10/21): "Over the course of six years (2014-2020), I wrote a text called the 'Advanced Instructions Before Leaving Earth'... which had concluded at 752 pages... Nevertheless, such has since been condensed to 497 pages... Such arguably was the stepping stone, for me to make my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation'... which is due for perfection...
In the context of the aforementioned, one can infer that if one seeks to have a 'supernatural edge' in the afterlife... one must invest in that process..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:26 AM (12/10/21): "How exactly does one walk in the ways 'of the spirit'...? Doing such, implies one is 'walking with God (in the context of the Holy Spirit, being a human's connection to Jesus Christ... who watches over those, who genuinely believe... in Him)...
...Time's passage tends to reveal, who we truly are or what we're about... Jesus Christ set an example, of what humans should strive towards... in life... which is righteousness/spiritual purity, self-advancement and wisdom... When these variables are met, regarding matters of the spirit... one tends to see the fruits, of one's labor..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:05 PM (12/10/21): "A photo from the summer of 2019, when I had been at a Westin hotel of Virginia Beach, VA (in the lobby office area)... for 3-4 weeks... At the time, I had a laptop with me... which had been subject to 'involuntary disabling (at some point when I was in Philadelphia, PA, in the Fall of 2019)'... Nevertheless, mediums such as this... along with desktops, pads and so on... are great for brainstorming novel ideas... which can only come to fruition, if worked towards...
Dreams are goals with deadlines, and steps must be taken... to make progress, according to legitimate feedback..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:18 PM (12/10/21): "Hypotheses are usually the precursors, to verifiable results... A map that has been drawn, is subject to variable accurateness... but if such can get one to a particular destination, such is valid..." - Michael Izuchukwu
